Divine Circles
Divine Circles
The circle is a universal symbol of totality, wholeness, original perfection, the Self, the infinite, eternity, timelessness, all cyclic movement, God. Dive into the circle this year, through Dominique Hurley's paintings of labyrinths, halos, vesica pisces, and more.
Dance your days in the energy, light & colour of Dominique Hurley's intuitive visionary artwork. May these sections of 13 of her paintings inspire and nourish your transformational journey.
The 12 Universal Laws
The 12 Universal Laws
Transform your life from the inside out! Become the conscious creator you were meant to be. Enter the mandalas to journey deep into the 12 Universal Laws that govern our lives. The more you understand them, the happier you’ll be. Focus on one law per month - see the full mandalas and learn about each Law in my free Guide at www.DominiqueHurley.com